Timer resets
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It glitches every time it finish a study block
Amelia Wrigth
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Timer resets
The timer always resets when im going back to the lifeat website. this happens when i came back from other tab doing research or doing my job. Also always happen in the last sesion after the short break. I set 60 minutes and 10 of short break, in the 4th hour after break, starts doing well but after at leats 20 min the page resets everything and i lose my progress. It is anoying because I report my study sesion hours to my teacher and when this bug happens I dont know how much time I estudied in the last hour.
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Every time my timer is like halfway i get a message: "lifeat cannot connect" then after a while it does connect and my timer resseted
Xavi van Duijn
Hi there Amelia Wrigth - can you describe the glitch? :)