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Splitting Task Time
Lauren Ramirez
Add ability to split time on a task. For example, if a task takes two hours, it would be great to plan one hour on Monday and one hour on Tuesday.
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Time-changable recurring task
Daisuke Koga
When I set a task as recurring daily, it's assigned to the same time on each day and seems not to be able to change the time. I have some tasks I do everyday, still the time I do them can vary. I would be so pleased if I set a task to recur, but I can adjust the time they start start and end.
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Ticketing system
Amanda Sundberg
It would be really cool if we could intergrate our tasks from Kace or Jira.
Lauren Ramirez
Ability to sort tasks by due date
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Task Based Timer/Calendar tool to allow a task to populate multiple times.
It would be great if 1 task could consolidate all times it was worked on.
For example, if I work on a task from 10-11am, i wold like to be able to also work on it from 3-3:45pm without it overriding the previous time i worked on it. this way i could see a compilation of timestamps that i worked on that task (and also see it in the calendar) instead of only seeing it once.
right now i am manually inputting times into the description so i do not lose the total time i work on a task.
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Stephanie Zapuchlak
A lot of times when working on tasks for different projects I have, I break that task down into smaller subtasks and then can check those off as I go about the bigger task. It helps me stay motivated to check part of the task off, especially when the task may be a bit bigger.
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An old-to-new toggle for the tasks
Basically just putting overdue tasks on the top, then line up the tasks according to their due dates. Doing it manually is kind of annoying, and it would be nice as a toggle, so people can use it to their own likings.
Samantha Riesberg
It would be nice if the completed marked items automatically moved to the bottom of the list. :)
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Ability to add multiple tags to tasks
Paper & Wax Co
When creating a task, it would be helpful to have the ability to add multiple tasks. For example, A task is for content creation. The content will be used for a reel and a Youtube video. I would like to tag both Reel and Video so I can see where that content is being placed.
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